Institute of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies

Acting Director Mikushina Irina Vladimirovna
Dean's Office 656049, Russia, Barnaul, pr. Krasnoarmeiskiy 90, Room 102 
Tel +7 (3852) 298-150

ASU Faculty of Chemistry provides classical education in chemistry and technosphere safety. The faculty was formed in 1974. Currently, it is one of the biggest faculties: there are more than 400 students studying, more than 100 of them are getting state-subsidized education. Graduates are in great demand on the labor market due to their proficiency.

Institute of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies offers the following programs

Postgraduate courses:

  • Physical chemistry;
  • Organic chemistry.

Graduates can also get an additional qualification as teachers.

The educational process is very special and unique. Students mostly spend their time in the faculty’s laboratories, where students can practice, invent and manufacture something. Every student has access to different science materials, chemistry books and articles, Internet resources.

The Faculty of Chemistry has the atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect between lecturers and students. They always take part in science conferences and prepare academic papers together.

The Faculty of Chemistry students and graduates are an intellectual potential of our country. They create new substances and materials, develop modern environmentally-friendly technologies.

Faculty’s lecturers are top specialists in chemistry. At the moment there are 33 lecturers working at the faculty. 7 of them are Doctors of Chemistry, 22 of them are Candidates of Chemistry.

All educational programs are generally held in Russian. To enroll in any educational program the applicant must have B1–B2 level of Russian or take 1 year course of Russian language at the Altai State University Preparatory Department.

Faculty structure

  • Department of Organic Chemistry.
  • Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry.
  • Department of Technosphere Safety and Analytical Chemistry.
Print version Modified 9.07.2023