"Under the Open Sky" ecological club will be able to implement new projects

3 December 2015 Faculty of Biology

"Under the Open Sky" ecological club will be able to put new ideas into practice thanks to approved projects in the framework of student associations’ development program.

The first project that was approved is the student ecological force. In the course of the project students will be engaged into biological inventory, estimation, protection and preservation of biological diversity in the special protected territories.

The second major project is the ecological campaign “Adopt the Wildlife Area”. In the framework of this campaign there are various events planned to be conducted such as learning about the protected natural territories of Altai Krai (Belokurikhinsky natural park and Kislukhinsky wildlife sanctuary), life of rare and endangered species, factors limiting their existence and expansion; participating in biotechnical initiatives like creating conditions for bird nesting, feeding animals in winter, searching for red-listed animals, anti-poaching activities, measures against fish killing.

The third initiative is dealing with conducting the youth scientific and practical school “Altai Krai Unique Ecosystems Research”. The outcome of the school is going to be a complex analysis of the Altai Krai unique ecosystems, mastering of system approach to ecological objects research by students, students’ research publications in the collective volumes.

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