All-Russian seminar regarding intercultural dialogue and civil identity among the young people: program content

30 November 2015 Students’ League Press-Office

On 28–29 November the participants of the Seminar on Intercultural Dialogue and Civil Identity among Young People experienced a highly topical program.

After the opening ceremony, which was chaired by ASU Rector S.V. Zemlyukov and attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, National Youth Council of Russia, Altai Krai and Barnaul government authorities, the “Intercultural Dialogue and Civil Identity in modern Russia” round table was held.

The participants discussed the topical issues of youth policy, systematic work with expatriate communities, political identity, regional election turnout of the youth, and importance of the cultural education for intercultural communication.

It is intercultural communication that provides an opportunity of interaction with other cultures and allows to understand not only people of other nationalities but also ourselves.

After that the participants proceeded to such workshops as “Russian Identity Shaping”, “Civil Identity” and “Cultural Identity”.

In the framework of “Russian Identity Shaping” workshop the participants of the “Eurasian Base of Russian Identity” seminar discussed the elements of social identification, socialization agents’ role in the process of national identification and came to a conclusion that self-consciousness is a vital part of individual’s life. Moderator, Doctor of Philology A.V. Ivanov made a report on fundamental differences between heroes and fanatics, as well as on the harm of the false national self-identification.

Further, head of the Department of Public Events Organization under the Barnaul Administration A.N Klychnikov conducted “Citizens and Nation Safety Provision” seminar. The participants discussed the problems of international communication, struggle with extremism, interethnic and interfaith dialogue.

In the framework of “Civil Identity” workshop the “Concept of Patriotic Education” business game took place. Workshop moderator, member of the Committee under Barnaul Municipal Council for Legitimacy and Local Governance, Candidate of Law A.A. Vasilyev suggested that the participants develop a project and answer the question “What is patriotism in your opinion and what does it consist of?”. In the course of the game different ideas were expressed, but everyone agreed that patriotism does not only mean love of the native land, respect for its customs and traditions, but also willingness to do something to brighten its future.

The “Constitution’s Role in Shaping of Civil Society” seminar was conducted by vice-chairman of Committee for Budget, Credit and Tax Policy under Altai Legislative Assembly, Candidate of Law, Assistant Professor A.V. Molotov.

Then “Civil Identity” workshop participants attended the “Civil Society in the Modern World: Problems and Prospects for Development” seminar by Yu.G. Chernyshov, where an active discussion of origin and meaning of the term “citizen”, correlation between terms “civic consciousness” and “patriotism”, and role of the civil society in the modern world took place.

Doctor of Philology, Professor E.V. Lukashevitch read the “Russian Language as a Base for Cultural Identity of Russian Citizens” lecture for the “Cultural Identity” workshop participants, who discussed the modern condition of the Russian language and factors that influence its development.

Representatives of the National Youth Council of Russia O.V. Popova and M.N. Bauer conducted the intercultural communication training.

The “Cultural Heritage as a Base for Cultural Identity of Russia” seminar was conducted by Doctor of Arts
L.I. Nekhvyadovitch in the framework of “Cultural Identity” educational workshop. There she touched upon the important issue of cultural traditions that shape our identity.

Afterwards, the participants presented their own reports and projects. The program ended with closing remarks and adoption of a resolution.
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