Altai State University will become a center of innovation and technological development by 2021

28 April 2018 Department of Information and Media Communications
Public discussion of a four-year program of development of Altai State University was held in Barnaul.

According to ASU Rector Sergey V. Zemlyukov, Altai State University in Barnaul as a flagship university believes that its mission lies in the scope of social and economic development of Altai Krai.

"The main purpose of a flagship university is regional development. We intend to provide the region with highly qualified specialists, so that it develops innovatively. By 2021, the university will become a center of innovation and technological development, implement multidisciplinary training of specialists, and become a regional innovative center," Sergey Zemlyukov said.

He noted that in the next 4 years the university intends to integrate and disseminate world practices in the spheres of science and culture. These decisions will be promoted to the markets of the Central Asian countries.

Special attention is planned to be given to the work with schoolchildren and enterprises of the industrial sector of the economy, the university’s industrial partners. Thus, the university realizes programs for identification and personal support of gifted children: for this, the flagship university has centers for youth creativity.

Also, Altai State University intends to develop educational programs in the field of agrobiotechnology, biomedicine, and pharmaceutical activities as a flagship university. The university has already started more than a hundred projects with commercial potential, while the industrial partners have placed orders to the scientists for more than 55 million rubles.

"Our task is to bring products, which would contribute to the innovative development of the region, to the market," the Rector noted.

The scientists intend to introduce the agro-industrial sector of the region to a network of ground monitoring of soil parameters, which was created during the implementation of the Kulunda project. Particular attention will be paid to the development of natural medical products.

"The most promising directions for the development of the university are associated with the social and economic development of the region and its expert and analytical support. It is important to keep abreast, understand the changes in these areas and coordinate the transformation of management policy," Oksana Noyanzina, consultant of the Department of the Governor Administration and Altai Krai Government, said after the presentation of the program.

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