Business meeting with Madam Grosgean (France), ex-head of the Russian language University department

29 October 2011

On the 15th of October the meeting was held between Vice-Rector for Strategic Programs and International Cooperation and Madam Grosgean (France), ex-head of the Russian language University department,
During the meeting prospects for partnership were discussed, particularly the possibility to create French language cultural Centre and resource Centre at ASU.

Madam Grosgean noted the fruitful results of the week visit (from the 10th up to 15th October). So, the program included lectures and seminars with students who learn French and are interested in French culture. Meetings with teachers of foreign language departments and a creative meeting at the Gallery “Universum” were organized. It is important to note that Mme Grosgean, ex-head of the department of Russian Language at Franche-Comté University, gave free lectures.

The following seminars were especially efficient:  “ Les dictons et les proverbes typiques de la langue française amenant à une étude de la civilasation française”, “ Les expressions imagées et tournures utilisées dans les journaux de mode” for students of International Institute of Economics, Management and Informational systems and for participants of « Double-degree program » with Paris-II as well as the lecture “Le savoir-vivre français” for students of Philology Department who learn French as a second foreign language.
Madam Grosgean also conducted the lecture « Le conseil régional» for Master students of State and municipal management major.
A rich cultural program was organized for Mme Grosgean.

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