The strategic project of ASU will ensure the efficient operation of agricultural enterprises

5 April 2018 Department of Information and Media Communications
Altai State University received a certificate from the Federal Service for Intellectual Property about the state registration of a computer program called “Cloud Service for Management of Agricultural Enterprises”.

From 2011 to 2016, scientists of Altai State University, together with colleagues from Germany, worked on the Kulunda project, within the framework of which the most efficient use of land in the steppe zone of Altai Krai was studied. This project allowed the development of scientific and educational relations of scientists and students of biological, geographical, mathematical, sociological and physical-technical faculties of ASU with leading educational and scientific organizations in Germany, contributed to the emergence of new research directions, techniques in various fields of science, aimed scientists to create original software products.In particular, on the basis of the scientific basis obtained during the implementation of the Kulunda project, a pilot project for a computer program for managing an agricultural enterprise was created in the Programmer Design Bureau of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies.

“The agricultural producers turned to us for help in solving the problem in the field of land share management. In particular, Nikita Andreevich Kozhanov, head of one of the farms of the Mikhailovsky District, OOO "Partner", set us the task of developing a program that would allow him to improve the situation with land management in his farm. Specialists of the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies worked together with the Department of Informatization under the guidance of Oleg Stepanovich Ternovoy, head of the Department of Information Technologies and Innovations in Education, to solve this problem. In the end, they created a software product that will help agricultural producers with large land areas and many tenants to systematize their information,” said one of the  project developers, assistant professor of the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics, Ph.D. Elena Vladimirovna Ponkina.

The Cloud Service for Management of Agricultural Enterprises is a website that runs on various computers, tablets and phones, which, in essence, is an electronic workplace for a manager or employee of an agricultural enterprise. On its pages, the user creates a personal account through which he can track work throughout the entire territory of his farm. Having drawn a map of his farm, the manager notes where the crop has been planted, who is the tenant of this site, what is its area, etc.

The project has already passed the test in the farm of OOO "Partner", located in the Mikhailovsky district of Altai Territory.

It remains to add that the Cloud Service for the Management of Agricultural Enterprises has become the basis of one of the strategic projects implemented by ASU as part of the program for the development of the flagsjip university.

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