Developments of AltSU psychologists help children with disabilities

18 January 2023 Department of Information and Media Communication
Photo by / Danny Nee

Scientists from Altai State University spoke about the key results of the implementation of the project "Development and implementation of technologies for the rehabilitation, correction and education of children with disabilities in children's health and educational institutions and health institutions of the sanatorium type in Altai Krai" within the framework of the Priority 2030 Program.

The project is aimed at preschool children with disabilities - there are more than two thousand such children in Altai Krai. Children with disabilities often have a deficit of joint attention and experience difficulties in communicating with other people, in speech, understanding words, and perceiving information. Scientists from AltSU have developed their own development methods for children with disabilities, correction of their behavior, attention, memory and thinking, and prevention of possible deterioration.

“In the framework of grant activities, even before the Priority program, we had accumulated many years of experience in studying and developing technology to help children with disabilities, but this technology was poorly implemented. Priority 2030 has allowed us to change the perspective from the scientific development of technology to its active application. That is, we were able to get away from the “science for the sake of science” scheme. I am glad that our research is not just for ourselves, it finds its application, helps people,” said Yana Smirnova, head of the project, an associate professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

As part of the project, these correctional programs are being implemented at the sites of partner institutions, today there are more than 10 of them: the Valeological Center, the Altai Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary for Children, the Mind Neuropsychological Center, kindergartens for children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech development delay, etc. e. On the basis of the Valeological Center there is a basic department of AltSU, where 59 students and undergraduates do their practice.

Four programs of further vocational education have been implemented: "Psychological rehabilitation of children with disabilities," retraining "Teacher in the field of preschool education," "Modern methods and approaches to organizing work with children with disabilities in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard" and "Psychological and pedagogical examination of children with disabilities."

“A number of programs of further vocational education were aimed at practicing psychologists in Barnaul. We told them about our evidence-based methods of working with children with disabilities so that they can apply them in their practice. The second task is the free education of our students and undergraduates in the programs of further vocational education, this is more than 60 people. These students at our practice bases provided real assistance to the population, conducted more than 150 consultations for families,” said Yana Smirnova.

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