AltSU confirmed the status of the leading university in promoting the Russian language, culture and education in Russian in the countries of Central Asia

27 December 2022 Rector's Office

The international project of Altai State University called Cycle of educational and cultural events “Through the pages of Russian culture" was highly appreciated by the experts of the Ministry of Education and was included in the collection of the best practices of Russian education to promote the Russian language abroad in 2022.

This decision was taken following the results of the all-Russian seminar in Moscow, which took place on December 7. The seminar summarized the work. It considered the largest events to disseminate the best practices of Russian education within the framework of international cooperation on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, which were organized with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2022 and were aimed, among other things, at ensuring the full functioning and development of the Russian language.

The seminar brought together more than 100 participants - representatives of the Department of International Cooperation and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, universities, open education centers, as well as leading experts and teachers of Russian as a foreign language.

Altai State University was represented by Head of the Department of the Russian Language as a Foreign Institute of the Humanities, Doctor of Philology, Professor Lidia Dmitrieva, head of the complex project Cycle of educational and cultural events “Through the pages of Russian culture".

The AltSU project received grant support from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; it aimed to create a single cultural space for uniting citizens of the Central Asian countries who speak Russian.

Lectures were held in Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan in support of the Russian language and Russian culture. Artistic and aesthetic events (quizzes, competitions, master classes), as well as scientific and methodological events (round tables, open microphones) were organized and implemented.

More than 500 foreign schoolchildren and students from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia took part in the project.

Four events were held offline:

1. Cultural and educational evening within the framework of the Year of Cultural Heritage of Russia “Gulyaev S.I.: Russian folklore: “Epics and songs”, Russian ethnography and regional studies” in Russia.

2. Media mix “Altai is 85!”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Altai Krai, in Kyrgyzstan.

3. Creative workshop "Memory - the basis of culture", dedicated to the birthday of an outstanding figure in the field of cultural studies, philology and art criticism Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev – the 115th anniversary, in Uzbekistan.

4. "Children's pages of Russian culture" in Mongolia.

The main results of the project were the preservation and support of the Russian language, Russian history and culture, as well as:

• revival and promotion of interest in Russia among the younger generation of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia;

• formation of the space of Russian culture in the transboundary region;

• support for gifted schoolchildren and students interested in the Russian language and Russian culture in Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia;

• strengthening the position of the Russian language and Russian culture, as well as in the national systems of foreign states;

• expansion of foreign Russian-speaking space in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia.

Altai State University is one of the most active universities in Russia in promoting the Russian language and culture abroad. University specialists have completed more than 15 projects both within the framework of federal programs and on an initiative basis. Activities within the framework of these projects were held in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Sri Lanka and other countries.
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