Ethnic Cuisine Festival at Altai State University

21 December 2016 Faculty of Law
On 14 December 2016 the Faculty of Law at Altai State University hosted Ethnic Cuisine Festival. This delicious, unusual and entertaining event was confined to the New Year festivities.

Festival participants received an opportunity to taste Kyrgyz, Azerbaijan, Armenian, Altai, Kazakh, Tajik, Chinese, Russian and Tatarian cuisine and communicate with the representatives of these cultures. When degustation started, all the tables were groaning with foods. Each cuisine had its own national peculiarities, so the guests wanted taste everything and compare different dishes.

The participants were eager to present both national cuisine and their traditional culture, that is why the guests could not only eat their fill, but also watch a colorful performance consisting of national songs and dances. Students impressed the audience with their dedication and excitement. Obviously, they did not do it under duress, but because of spiritual want. Thanks to that concert, the event turned out even more magnificent.

Event organizers did their job splendidly. The event amazed students and lecturers of Altai State University. ASU is a multinational educational establishment; in view of this such event must be held more frequently. Representatives of different cultures, studying at Altai State University, should have an opportunity to admire their fellow students’ traditions and show their own unicity.

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