Professor Alexander Rossinsky gave an open lecture “2000 years of musical art”

16 November 2023 Department of Information and Media Communication

On November 11, an open lecture “2000 years of musical art” was held at the Universum Gallery, where Professor from Altai State University Alexander Rossinsky told about the milestones of musical history.

“Music is the little that God left us from the Paradise that once existed on Earth,” the Professor began his monologue with these words from composer Miliya Balakirev. What is music? This is perhaps the most short-lived of the arts. Archaeologists can excavate monuments, tools and household items. But music is not a jug, you can’t hit it with a shovel.

However, it is the music and the attitude towards it that reflects the spirit of the era.

Alexander Georgievich cited a statement of Sun Tzu: “When the music is harmonious and calm, harmony and decency reign among the people.” The educational function of music was also valued by the ancient Greeks, believing that playing music heals the soul and educates the mind. And it’s hard for us to disagree with this, listening to a lecture by the honored musician of the region.

An hour and a half passed quickly, 20 centuries of music were examined from the perspective of history, philosophy and spirituality. A kaleidoscope of brilliant composers, old and new schools, religious and secular music, forgotten genres and new trends – only needs to be fast enough to record. Of course, there were a lot of recommendations and parting words for immersing yourself in the material. Still, great works need to be studied independently, thoughtfully and with inspiration. The listeners got more than enough inspiration after Alexander Georgievich’s lecture! And then only one small matter is holding things up.

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