ASU graduate was awarded the RAS medal for botanic research

10 February 2016 Faculty of Biology

Andrey S. Erst is the Faculty of Biology graduate of 2005. He is currently a senior fellow at “Herbarium” laboratory under SB RAS Central Siberian Botanic Garden in Novosibirsk. He brilliantly defended his Candidate of Biology thesis on Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae Juss.) of Altai Mountains in 2009. He is the author of more than 50 publications in academic journals of Russia and other countries. A.S. Erst is a winner of 2014 competition in state support of young Russian scientists. Moreover, Andrey S. Erst has been awarded the RAS medal for the series of works dedicated to Ranunculaceae evolution.

“Research of evolutional processes through the example of plants allows us to study natural complexes of different continents and forecast the development of the plant kingdom in future,” says Andrey.

RAS medal is a prize for young scientists and students of Russia for the best scientific works. It is one of the most prestigious Russian scientific awards.
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