Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Activities | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program is designed for those who plan to manage, create and implement psychological and pedagogical projects in the field of physical culture and sports, gain skills and abilities in modern and innovative psychological and pedagogical approaches in supporting athletes of different age groups. The program is ideal for teachers of physical education in the primary general, basic general, secondary general, vocational and supplementary education, heads of municipal and regional administration on physical education and sports activities, fitness coaches, coaches in children's and youth sports schools and athletes of higher categories, specialists in psychology and health centers.


44.04.01 Teacher Education


Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports Activities

Learning mode

Correspondence learning, 2 years 3 months

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

21 100 ₽

Entrance test

Examination in Pedagogy

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

Graduates of the program have a professional mindset in the pedagogy and psychology of physical education activities, have competencies in physical education methods and the psychology of coaching activities, and are able to implement and implement psychological and pedagogical project activities in physical education and sports.

One of the unique modules of the program is the State and Municipal Management track, which allows for an additional retraining diploma in GMU in the future.

Core disciplines

  • Modern educational technologies in the professional activity of a teacher,
  • Project activities in the field of physical education and sport,
  • Basics of modern management,
  • Fitness Techniques.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates of the program can work in health clinics, specialists in centers of psychology and health, specialists in psychological and pedagogical support in children's and youth sports schools, as well as in training athletes of higher categories in physical education and sports organizations, physical education teacher in higher educational institutions and specialized secondary educational establishments.


Program supervisors:

Elena Veniaminovna Romanova, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Physical Education Department
Phone: +7 (983) 186-34-46

Olga Alekseevna Lopatina, Associate Professor, Physical Training Department
Phone: +7 (913) 237-88-55


Print version Modified 7.07.2023