Educational Entrepreneurship | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program is created for those who aspire to acquire entrepreneurial competencies, form project and innovative thinking, create and implement entrepreneurial projects in the field of education, organize and carry out paid educational services. The program will be interesting to school teachers, teachers of professional organizations, teachers of the system of additional education for children, administrators and heads of educational organizations, graduates of bachelor's and specialist's degrees of classical, pedagogical, economic and other high schools, individual entrepreneurs and representatives of small and average business of educational sphere and social sphere.


44.04.01 Teacher Education


Educational Entrepreneurship

Learning mode

  • Full-time education, 2 years;
  • Correspondence education, 2 years 6 months.

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

21 100 - 57 500 ₽

Entrance test

Pedagogy major exam

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

Graduates of the program will be able to master innovative professional-pedagogical thinking based on the ability to successfully explore new ideas and translate them into real entrepreneurial projects in education; implement market principles in the work of educational organizations; ensure the development of the quality and scope of educational services; and open their own private educational structures.

Core disciplines

  • Entrepreneurial educational projects,
  • Marketing of educational services,
  • Advertising of educational products,
  • Taxation of small and medium business in education,
  • Private educational practices in modern Russia.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates are able to work as heads of non-state educational organizations, managers of private educational services, individual entrepreneurs, school teachers, teachers of professional organizations, teachers of supplementary education for children, providers of paid educational services.


  • Program Head - Marina Petrovna Tyrina, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for the Master's degree, postgraduate studies, scientific and innovative development.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 291-285; +7 (902) 999-70-18; +7 (903) 910-53-02
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 6.07.2023