History | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program has a research profile. It is aimed at training highly qualified specialists capable of teaching and conducting research on current historical topics. The study of historical processes and phenomena in their socio-cultural, political, economic dimensions is based on specific historical sources. Teaching involves deep immersion in the historical context of the epoch under study and familiarity with the key concepts of contemporary historical science. The program includes unique special author's courses, which have no analogues in Russia, developed by the teachers - founders of the leading scientific schools of Siberian historical science.


46.03.01 History


History of Russia and Universal History

Learning mode

  • Full-time education, 4 years
  • Part-time training, 4 years 6 months

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

23 650 - 53 400 ₽

Entrance tests

What training you get

Basics of practical and research work in the field of Russian and foreign history, archeology, ethnology, source study, chronology; methods and techniques of scientific research and source study; profound knowledge of a foreign language; methods of teaching and advanced methods of history teaching in general educational establishments; skills of work in archival, museum and library institutions; scientific work culture; searching for funding sources for scientific projects; basics of communication

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates have the opportunity to work as teachers in educational organizations of all levels (schools, vocational training, universities), work in museums, archives, specialized research institutes, work as experts in public and governmental organizations, work as editors and correspondents in the media (including electronic), take part in the state and local government, as well as working in tourist and excursion organizations.


  • Program Supervisor - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian History Pozharskaya Ksenia Aleksandrovna.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 291-269
  • E-mail: kse-pozhar@mail.ru

Print version Modified 26.06.2023