Public and Municipal Management | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

Bachelors of "State and Municipal Management" direction at Altai State University receive training in management, public finance, budget system, project management and information technologies. A separate legal module within the educational program implies advanced knowledge in the main branches of law. Internships and practices in public authorities with the possibility of inclusion in the talent pool are available to students. Also, in addition to the public sector, students can build a development trajectory in commercial organizations. Graduates confidently occupy various positions, including management ones, in state and municipal enterprises and institutions, nonprofit and commercial organizations.


38.03.04 Public and Municipal Management


Contemporary System of State and Municipal Management".form of training

Learning mode

  • Full-time education – 4 years
  • Evening training - 4 years 6 months

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

27 500 - 61 500 ₽

Entrance tests

What training you get

Graduates receive comprehensive knowledge of the management system in state and business structures, and can equally successfully apply their knowledge in both state and commercial structures. In this helps them in-depth legal training, understanding of the state mechanism and the system of public administration, in-depth knowledge of the system of state budgeting and finance.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates from the bachelor's degree program generally continue their studies at the master's level, combining it with their main place of work. They are engaged in organizational and management activity in governmental and commercial structures, budgeting and business analytics, organization of state procurements, municipal economy management, project activity, organization of own business.

Places of employment are:

  • public authorities of the Russian Federation,
  • public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation,
  • bodies of local self-government,
  • state and municipal enterprises and institutions,
  • institutions of civil society,
  • public organizations,
  • non-commercial and commercial organizations,
  • international organizations,
  • scientific and educational organizations.


  • The head of the program is Vitaliy Viktorovich Mishchenko, Doctor of Economics, the Head of the Department of Regional Economy and Management.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 296-535
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 26.06.2023