Masterclass on cooking traditional Chinese dumplings was held at the Faculty of History

26 December 2016 Faculty of History

Chinese cuisine is considered to be one of the most delicious cuisines in the world not for nothing. It includes great variety of dainty dishes. As for Chinese New Year table, it is a special pleasure for all the lovers of exotic food.

Chinese dumplings or jiaozi is a traditional New Year dish in China. Their shape is a symbol of the coming New Year. They promise happiness and wealth to everyone who tastes them. Moreover, they are really very delicious. The Chinese even have a proverb saying “好吃不如饺子”, which means “There is nothing more delicious than dumplings!”

Lecturer from the Department of Oriental Studies Fan Shengnan told ASU students about these and other traditions of China at the event dedicated to making jiaozi. Surrounded by friendly atmosphere in the kitchen, Russian students managed to cook scrumptious dumplings with the help of Chinese students. The process was coordinated by Head of the Department of Oriental Studies Dmitry A. Glazunov, who also assisted the students and unveiled several culinary secrets.

Every event participant ate their fill and expressed hope that such masterclasses will become a tradition of Altai State University.

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