Stimulation of scientific activity
University employees who have made the achievements from the list of indicators of Supplement 1 “Regulations on the rating system for evaluating the activities of teaching staff and structural units of the Altai State University” (as amended, order No. 1474 of 04/12/2017) for 2017, should be timely recorded in AIS "Case".
Entries in the AIS "Case" should be accompanied by metadata that confirm the subject of incentives (links to the EBS of the AltGU, other Internet resources where the materials are posted). In case of their absence, it is necessary to attach pdf-files of reprints of published articles, monographs, copies of certificates, etc. At the same time, the metadata should contain information on the basis of which the employee will be approved by the promotion of the indicator. For example, in the case of an article included in the international Web of Science and SCOPUS database, the indicator will be monetized only if the article is not published following the results of the funded research and affiliation of the university author for AltGU (see Appendix 1 of the Regulations). Otherwise, the payment for the indicator and scoring is made in accordance with the approved procedure and the rules of the Regulation “On the rating system for evaluating the activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and structural divisions of the Altai State University” (see in your personal account AIS “Case”).
According to the indicators of the subject of incentives, which are not included in the AIS "Case" and for which metadata are not downloaded (in an exceptional case, printed impressions are not provided), payments will not be made.
Financial stimulation
1. Publication of an article included in the international database Web of Science and Scopus.- quartile Q1: 100 thousand rubles;
- quartile Q2: 70 thousand rubles;
- quartile Q3: 50 thousand rubles;
- quartile Q4: 30 thousand rubles;
- in publications without a quartile: 25 thousand rubles.
2. Publication of scientific articles in leading Russian journals included in the database of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) 4000 rub.
3. Scientific guidance of graduate students, doctoral students (applicants) who defended their thesis
- defending thesis in time during the year after graduation from the postgraduate (doctoral) course: 10 thousand rubles.
- in the amount of more than 1 million rubles: 70 thousand rubles
- registration of more than 2 patents for an invention, utility model, industrial design: 25 thousand rubles;
- registration of the object of patent law in collaboration with students: 7.5 thousand rubles.
- defending doctoral thesis in advance: 50 thousand rubles;
- defending candidate thesis in advance: 25 thousand rubles.