Initiatives launched by Information Technology Department
The main tasks facing the Information Technology Department are the implementation of a unified, coordinated information policy, meeting the needs of the university departments in information technology, improving people's digital literacy, increasing energy efficiency, developing energy efficiency policy, etc.
Information on the key initiatives of the IT Department is provided below.
Digital literacy
To increase computer literacy among schoolchildren in Altai Krai, Yandex Lyceum was created at the university together with Yandex.
The university also has Cisco Academy, that provides educational programs to improve the digital literacy of the population for a wide range of students. "Cyber Security" course provides basic knowledge of information security, while "Get Connections" course is designed for initial training in computer skills, working on the Internet, and connecting external devices.
Altai State University has the Institute of Continuing Education, which implements the following educational programs in the field of improving digital literacy:
- Organization of the accounting process of a commercial enterprise using "1C: Accounting" software.
- User of a personal computer.
- Network investment technology.
Another task of the Institute is the training of teachers of the new formation who carry out the installation of digital skills as part of the courses taught. For example, the Center for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teachers of the Institute implements continuing education programs for teachers:
- Historical computer science in digital rotation.
- Information technology, computer engineering and computer technology.
- Website development technologies.
Energy efficiency in digital economy
The university provides analytical and consulting services in the field of energy efficiency. For example, in 2019, on the instructions of Altai Krai Administration for State Regulation of Prices and Tariffs, new utility tariffs were calculated taking into account climatic zones and energy efficiency.
Educational programs are also being implemented in this area. The Faculty of Physics and Technology is implementing the educational program “Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in the Digital Economy”. The program addresses issues aimed at improving energy efficiency and the use of clean energy.
Energy=efficient technologies
The university takes an active part in regional forums, round tables, meetings on energy efficiency, and the development of energy-efficient technological policies.