Lifelong learning opportunities
In the system of Altai State University, there is the Institute of Continuing Professional Education, which organizes training of the population for the purpose of advanced training or retraining. Additional vocational education is focused on the development of competitive additional vocational programs that ensure the formation of a system of continuing education in the region. The system of additional professional education built at Altai State University at the present time makes it possible to timely improve the qualifications of specialists and managers of enterprises of various industries and forms of ownership, taking into account regional needs and modern requirements.
The University continues to further improve the system of additional vocational education with a focus primarily on the needs of employers in the region. In 2018, new educational programs were developed and significantly upgraded. Among the programs offered for employers are programs such as:
- "Economical manufacturing";
- “Development of management skills”;
- “Management of mini-projects”;
- "Project management";
- “Marketing of higher education”;
- "Professional standards";
- “Business planning and business project management”;
- “Modern computer technologies in applied analysis problems”;
- “Digital economy”;
- “Digital curator”;
- “Technological orientation in small and medium enterprises”;
- “Modern approaches to the organization of small and medium business”, etc.
In addition, the themes of the proposed programs of additional professional education largely reflect issues that take into account the specifics of the region’s development and the needs of the regional economy, in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Among such programs implemented by the university:
- "Social entrepreneurship";
- “Strategic management and development management”;
- "Financial support for medium and small businesses."
At present, over 5,100 people have been trained at the university in retraining and advanced training programs.