The University was established after great work undertaken by the Altai Regional Committee of the Party. First Secretary of the Regional Committee of the Communist Party Alexander Georgiev, in his memo on «The organization of the Altai State University» to the Ministry of Higher Education of the Soviet Union on Dec. 6, 1972 grounded the need of a new institution of higher education in the Altai region with multi-instruction, because the region urgently needed highly qualified specialists. (See Annex)
In 1972, the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Executive Board appealed to General Secretary LI Brezhnev with a persuasive letter about opening a university in Altai. 27 December, 1972 the Secretariat of the CPSU Central Committee considered it and found the establishment of the Altai University well-reasoned and timely. December 31, 1972 Bureu of the Regional Committee and the Regional Executive Board adopted a resolution «On organization of Altai State University», which defined practical steps to establish the university. March 27, 1973 the Council of Ministers of USSR adopted Resolution № 179 of the opening of the University in Barnaul. (See Appendix) May 25, 1973 resolution № 279 was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Pursuant to the decision the Ministers of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR and the RSFSR issued orders 274 and 229 on the organization of the Altai State University. In September 1973, ASU started up the educational process.
Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR № 253 dated May 29, 1973 shaped the initial structure of the university. In accordance with the order there were five faculties in the university: History and Philology, Law, Economics, Chemistry and Biology, Physics and Mathematics. Education in 9 specialties was provided: history, philology, law, labor economics, planning and organization of industrial production, chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and economic cybernetics. In 1973 training of historians, linguists, lawyers, and economists was begun. Next year the university began education of chemists, biologists, mathematicians, physicists. Then the structure of the university underwent some changes.
In 1973, two more faculties were introduced: law and historical-philological faculty (not yet approved by the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR: the order of their organization was issued later, on Jan. 2, 1974).
On May, 29 candidate of science in History, associate professor Neverov V.I. was appointed the first rector of the Altai State University recommended by the Regional Committee of the Communist Party.