ECTS in climate science and environmental sustainability

1 September 2021 Department of Information and Media Communication

Pan-European Diploma Supplement

Dear students and graduates of Altai State University!

If you plan to continue your studies abroad, find a job in another country or work in transnational companies in the Russian Federation, then you need to obtain a Common European Diploma Supplement.

Diploma Supplement or the Pan-European National Diploma Supplement is a single standard international document issued in addition to the academic certificate (document on education), developed by the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO. It is designed to facilitate the procedure for academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, various certificates) obtained by university graduates from different countries.

The Pan-European Diploma Supplement is issued in English, has the status of an official translation and does not require further notarization. In addition, it contains additional information in English, which is not in the Russian diploma: about the qualification obtained by the holder of the diploma, the level of this qualification, the content and learning outcomes obtained, expressed in ECTS credits (European Labor Intensity Credit System), about the functional purpose of the qualification, as well as information about the Russian education system. This document allows foreign employers or educational institutions to understand what a Russian graduate has studied, what he can do, at what level of education they can continue their studies, or what job they can do.

The Pan-European supplement to the national diploma does not replace the Russian diploma, but is an additional document that promotes the international recognition of the AltSU diploma and further education and employment of AltSU graduates in foreign countries.

Both graduates of the current year and graduates of previous years of all levels and forms of education (specialists, bachelors, masters; full-time and part-time forms of education) can receive the Pan-European Supplement to the National Diploma.

The University offers the following programs in climate science and environmental sustainability:

  •  Natural resources management

The program is aimed at developing skills in the field of research and organizational activities to ensure rational nature management, environmental safety of the population and long-term sustainable development of the region and the state as a whole.

  •  Integrated use and water resources management

The program offers knowledge in the field of general ecology, geoecology, human ecology, social ecology, environmental protection, principles of water resources management, theoretical foundations for a comprehensive assessment of the possibility of using water resources in order to achieve the greatest economic effect, taking into account the need to protect the environment, principles of managing the quantity and quality of water resources, requirements for assessing the impact of the water management complex on the environment. Specialists will be able to navigate the range of environmental and geoecological problems; identify sources of anthropogenic impact on water bodies; apply scientific and technical information, as well as domestic and foreign experience in the field of ecology and protection of water resources to assess the quality, organization and monitoring of natural waters; substantiate organizational and technical water protection measures in natural and man-made complexes, taking into account environmental and biogeographical aspects.

  • Medical and environmental foundations of sustainable development

Students will learn the methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the state and dynamics of the medical and environmental situation and sustainable development of the territory, environmental risk factors and the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on human health. The program also provides information on the basics and economics of nature management, sustainable development, environmental impact assessment, the legal framework for nature management and environmental protection in the context of the medical and environmental foundations of sustainable development; theoretical bases and laws of geochemistry and geophysics, and environment; fundamentals and economics of environmental management within the framework of the medical and environmental foundations of sustainable development.

  • Methods of geoecological research

The program provides knowledge in the main areas of geoecology and theoretical foundations of geochemical research. Students will develop skills to organize and conduct geochemical studies, search for radioactive anomalies, study the danger of ravine formation, landslide formation, subsidence deformations, and assess the noise transport pollution of the urban environment.

  • Regulation and reduction of environmental pollution

The program aims to give knowledge of theoretical foundations of environmental regulation, the state system of environmental regulation, and ecological regulation of certain areas. Students will master scientific methods, techniques, methods and approaches for conducting research and development in the field of ecology, environmental management and environmental protection.

  • Basics of territorial planning

The program offers training to specialists with the knowledge of the main methodological components of territorial planning and skills to perform the main stages of territory analysis.

  • Environmental impact assessment

Students will learn the theoretical foundations of ecology, geoecology, nature management, nature conservation and environmental sciences, master scientific methods, techniques, and approaches to conducting scientific research and development in the field of ecology, environmental management and environmental protection. They will develop skills to analyze and compare normative legal acts in the field of ecology, nature management and nature protection.

  • Planning of environmental activities of production facilities

The program provides information on the specifics of the impact of industrial enterprises of the industry (sub-sector) on the components of the environment (atmospheric air, water, soil, biota); the main sources of pollution and pollutants and the result of their impact on the environment; methods of purification of atmospheric air, waste water; treatment plants of industrial enterprises and their efficiency; documentation regulating the environmental activities of an industrial enterprise; types of standards in the field of environmental protection; the structure of GOST in the field of environmental protection; the structure of the environmental passport of the nature user; factors influencing the planning of environmental protection activities of an industrial enterprise; types of environmental protection activities of an industrial enterprise; classifier of types of environmental activities and environmental protection costs (current environmental activities, environmental measures); and types of environmental protection measures.

  • Regional and sectoral nature management

The aim of the program is to study modern problems of nature management at the regional level. This course examines the historical stages of the formation of systems of regional nature management, global and regional. A regional review of environmental management systems in Russia and foreign countries is given. The course focuses on the formation of a broad, complex, objective and creative approach to the discussion of the most complex problems of regional nature management.

  • Technogenic systems and environmental risk

The program offers such topics as Natural hazard; Environmental risk; Hazardous natural processes and phenomena; Concept, classification and features of the functioning of man-made systems. Students will learn the skills of preparing documentation, projects, plans and programs for carrying out individual stages of work in the field of ecology, environmental management and environmental protection. They will learn basic knowledge in the field of ecology, geoecology, nature management, nature conservation and environmental sciences.

  • Waste management

The program examines main sources of scientific and technical information on waste management methods; technologies for the processing and disposal of production and consumption waste; sources of scientific and technical information (journals, Internet resources) in the field of waste management; and waste management methods. The students will learn basic concepts and classification of production and consumption waste, legal regulation of the treatment of production and consumption waste, economic restructuring in the field of waste management, regulation of activities in the field of solid municipal waste management, and state supervision in the field of waste management.

  • Doctrine of the biosphere

The program focuses on the basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences and mathematics in solving problems in the field of ecology and nature management.

  • Environmental audit

The program aims to give theoretical foundations for the formation and development of environmental audit. The program examines legal, regulatory, methodological and metrological support of environmental auditing, international standards for environmental auditing and environmental management systems, ecological audit of sustainable forest management. Students will master pre-insurance environmental audit, environmental audit procedure for the selection and evaluation of investment projects and programs, environmental audit of the territory. They will know how to use audit for the purpose of certification of products and industries according to environmental requirements.

  • Environmental monitoring

The program offers topics such as Scientific foundations of environmental monitoring; Types and methods of monitoring; Monitoring of natural environments; Monitoring of natural resources; Organization and management in the structure of environmental monitoring; and International monitoring of biosphere pollution. Students will learn how to apply methods, techniques, ways of processing ecological-geographical, geo-ecological data to solve the problems of professional activities in the field of ecology, nature management and nature protection, as well as conduct laboratory and field studies in various areas of ecology, nature management and environmental protection.

  • Human ecology

The program focuses on the theoretical foundations of ecology, geoecology, nature management, nature conservation and environmental sciences, the formation of the anthroposphere, adaptation mechanisms, health and risk factors. The program examines the general characteristics of anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment. Students will learn how to conduct laboratory and field studies in various areas of ecology, nature management and environmental protection.

  • Ecological-geographical forecasting

The program focuses on methodological foundations and general concepts of forecasting, features of global, regional, local and anthropo-ecological forecasting. Students will master the methodology for assessing the integrated use of resource protection, conducting water stages of environmental monitoring (observation, assessment, forecast). They will learn to analyze and compare information in the field of water use, water management, design and management of water management and systems in solving practical problems.

  • Ecological and geographical analysis of the territory

The program provides information on landscape differentiation factors (natural, anthropogenic); the concept of the natural potential of the landscape (natural resource), geoecological (environmental) potential, sustainability potential; classification of anthropogenic systems; classification of environmental problems and situations; criteria (methods) for assessing the ecological state of the territory; the concept of adaptive nature management, the ecological and economic balance of the territory, the ecological framework of the territory. Students will learn how to distinguish an ecological situation from a problem; identify the severity of the environmental situation; work with methods for assessing the ecological state of the territory (analysis of the natural potential of the territory, determining the scoring of the degree of stability of landscapes to anthropogenic impacts, assessing the severity of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes, determining the degree of anthropogenic transformation of landscapes); apply methods for assessing the ecological state of the territory and use tools for ecodiagnostics of the territory.

For more information, please call +7(3852) 291-253
International Affairs Department
Barnaul, pr. Lenina, 61, 4th floor, office 400 "M"

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