Еthical Values

1 September 2021 Department of Information and Media Communication

The permanent Commission on Ethics at AltSU operates according to Clause 3.8. of the REGULATIONS “On permanent commissions of the Academic Council of Altai State University”, approved on 04/05/2019 by order No. 367/p.

The directions and activities of the permanent Commission on Ethics are:

- informational, educational and regulatory direction (informing employees and students about the provisions of the Charter of the University, ethical standards, explaining these provisions; initiating and carrying out activities aimed at the formation of high ethical standards, principles and rules of professional behavior and relationships between employees and students, including with the involvement of the teaching staff and support staff of the University;

- monitoring (assistance in its implementation) of the state of compliance of the participants in the educational process with ethical norms and principles (drawing up a conclusion on compliance with ethical norms and principles - on behalf of the Academic Council of the University);

- prevention of cases of violation of the Charter of the University (analysis and evaluation of survey data - meetings of the commission on specific cases of disputable and (or) conflict situations, etc.);

- consideration of appeals about committed violations of the generally accepted rules of relationships that occurred on the part of another (other) member(s) of the Academic Council of the University and manifested itself in the public use of offensive expressions that damage honor and dignity.

The Commission has the right to offer to give a written explanation on the issue of their violation of ethical norms and rules.

Contact persons of the Commission:

in Russian - Osokina Svetlana Anatolyevna, Secretary of the Academic Council of the University, phone number - 296-580

in other languages - Sidorova Natalya Vasilievna, Head of the International Affairs Department, phone number - 291-253

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