Altai State University trains certified Microsoft Office Specialists

15 November 2016 IT Department

One more group of learners at Microsoft IT Academy has completed education and achieved certification for Microsoft Office Specialist. The group mostly consisted of students studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies. They took certification examinations in Microsoft Word 2013 and Microsoft Excel 2013.

Head of IT Department M.A. Ryazanov commented on the results of certification:

“Our young mathematicians showed high proficiency in using Microsoft Word. They even set their own records. Thus one of our students managed to score 982 points out of 1,000, which is an absolute record for our university. It is worth noting that almost all marks were higher than 900 points. Although, it was harder to pass an examination in Excel and the marks were lower. Anyway, the test takers scored the required amount of points to receive the certificates.”

Remarkably, this group of learners did not attend any additional classes in the direction of certification. They only had knowledge gained in the framework of their educational program. This fact indicates the high skill level of the lecturers working at the Department of Informatics and good quality of education.

Microsoft IT Academy is an outcome of collaboration between Microsoft and Altai State University. The academy offers different courses on Windows, Office, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics, SQL Server, Visual Studio, Windows Server, SharePoint, etc. Education is available to anyone and is aimed at getting practical experience. The academy students do not only acquire helpful skills, but also get an opportunity to take a certification examination and become Microsoft Office Specialists (MOS) or Microsoft Office Professional (MOP) Experts.
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