TASS: AltSU scientists will help farmers increase crop yields

1 March 2022 Editorial Office
The TASS news agency reports that scientists from Altai State University launch for the first time an agrochemical monitoring system that will help farmers in Altai Krai increase crop yields.

The project will be launched in pilot Mikhailovsky and Tselinny districts. For its implementation, drones have been purchased and an agrochemical laboratory will be opened,as  Alexander Dunets, Vice-Rector for scientific and innovative development of the university, told TASS.

We are currently engaged in the creation of a laboratory for agrochemical monitoring. This is a very important topic, it is implemented as part of the Priority 2030 program. We are talking about the creation of a system of agromonitoring. Previously, we did not do this comprehensively. We plan to conduct ground monitoring using an agrochemical laboratory, unmanned aerial vehicles and space monitoring data. Specific moisture conditions, soil conditions, and many other factors will be comprehensively researched and processed, which will allow us to make recommendations on tillage technologies, seeding, optimal crops,” Dunets said.

According to him, such an analysis will allow Altai farmers to ensure a higher yield on their fields. The pilot areas for the launch of the project in 2022 are Mikhailovsky and Tselinny districts, located on the territory of different natural and climatic zones.

We already have weather stations. There will be collected data from soils, climate, plus drone data. We purchased not an ordinary drone, but an aircraft type for the implementation of this project, since it involves the need to study a vast territory, as well as cameras capable of processing such large amounts of data. This will allow us to obtain data that is lacking in space monitoring. Our specialists are finishing the software for processing this data. It will be a system that will allow engaging in so-called agrodesign,” Dunets emphasized.

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