Geoecology | Doctorate Program | Altai State University

The doctorate program at Altai State University implements an interdisciplinary scientific direction that combines studies of the composition, structure, properties, processes, physical and geochemical fields of the Earth's geospheres as the habitat of humans and other organisms. The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the postgraduate program are: Earth and its major geospheres - lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, their composition, structure, evolution and properties; natural, natural-economic, anthropogenic, industrial, recreational, social, territorial systems and structures at global, national, regional, local levels, their research, state monitoring and development forecasts; nature management; geoinformation systems; territorial planning, design and forecasting; environmental expertise of all forms of economic activity; public education and awareness.


1.6.21 Geoecology

Scientific supervisor

Baryshnikov Gennady Yakovlevich - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Department of Nature Management and Geoecology

Learning mode

  • Full-time
  • Term of study - 3 years

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2022 / 2023 academic year

63 965 ₽

Entrance test

Special discipline (written)

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

The graduate program has two components, an academic component and an educational component. The scientific component covers research activities to prepare a dissertation for defense and writing scientific publications on the dissertation topic related to the geological-mineralogical, geographic, and technical branches of science.

Career opportunities and graduates

In organizations of higher education on a pedagogical or administrative trajectory; in federal and regional scientific organizations carrying out fundamental and applied research in the field of nature management and geoecology; in bodies of state, regional and municipal administration.


For additional information, please, contact

  • Sergacheva Maria Yevgenyevna - Head of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Department
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 298-160
  • E-mail:

Print version Modified 26.04.2023