Laboratory of Space Monitoring and Computer Technologies
The Laboratory of Space Monitoring and Computer Technologies was established in 2010 at Altai State University on the basis of an agreement between Altai State University and the Institute of Computational Technologies of the SB RAS (ICT SB RAS).
The main activity of the laboratory is to conduct joint fundamental and applied research, including work on the implementation of international, national, interdepartmental and regional research and educational programs and projects.
The laboratory of space monitoring and computing technologies was created to achieve a number of goals:
- involvement of employees of the Altai State University to conduct research in the field of remote sensing of the Earth from space and the development of specialized geographic information systems;
- attraction of leading scientists of ICT SB RAS to the implementation of educational programs of the Altai State University, as well as advanced training programs for scientific and pedagogical workers in the field of modern computing, information and telecommunication technologies;
- the intensification of work on the conclusion and implementation of joint agreements with third parties on the implementation of research results;
- participation in the training of highly qualified scientific and technical personnel.
- development of promising geo-information and computational models, methods and technologies for solving problems of operational regional monitoring based on remote sensing data;
- creation of systems for the operational and long-term storage of remote sensing data and means of access to them based on modern telecommunication and WEB technologies;
- standardization and cataloging of pre-processed remote sensing data;
- creation and sharing of distributed computing and information and telecommunication resources for solving regional monitoring tasks;
- training of personnel, including highly qualified ones, in the field of geo-information technologies and remote sensing;
- methodological and technological support for solving applied monitoring tasks in the interests of the Altai Territory, the Novosibirsk Region and other regions of the Siberian Federal District.