Energy Consumption Control

Altai State University helps to control energy consumption.

The university provides analytical and consulting services in the field of energy efficiency.

In 2019, on the instructions of Altai Krai Administration for State Regulation of Prices and Tariffs, university scientists calculated new utility tariffs for residents and enterprises, taking into account climatic zones and energy efficiency. Altai Krai Administration for State Regulation of Prices and Tariffs is an independent regional regulatory body that oversees all public utilities in Altai Krai and determines the rates and tariffs for heating and domestic hot water.

The approach to setting tariffs proposed by university specialists is aimed at encouraging the conservation and rational consumption of energy resources, as well as efficient and sustainable energy and electricity supply. This work is important because the developed mechanism involves covering all reasonable costs, including the costs associated with greenhouse gas emissions and local emissions. As long as energy tariffs remain low, some of them still do not reflect all costs, and, as a rule, they do not include environmental costs. Thus, price signals do not serve as incentives for efficient energy consumption. In addition, incentives to improve environmental and energy indicators to the level of the best available technical methods are not fully enshrined in traditional regulations, and when such regulations exist, their compliance is not sufficiently monitored. In addition, the approach proposed by scientists will allow, first of all, to charge consumers for actual consumption, so that they can decide how much thermal energy they want to consume.

These transformations further increase the significance of existing programs, because without thermal modernization of residential buildings, end users, adjusting consumption downward to compensate for tariff increases, will experience less thermal comfort in their premises.

Print version Modified 26.10.2021