Corporate Culture

The university has certain norms and rules of behavior that can be divided into mandatory and recommendatory ones.

Mandatory rules of conduct are recorded in the Charter and enshrined in the "Internal Rules of Altai State University."

According to the Internal Rules, on the premises of the university it is forbidden: to make noise in classrooms and in corridors during classes; to stay in the educational and office premises of the university wearing outer clothing and hats; to smoke; to drink alcohol; to take drugs; to gamble; to use mobile phones and other communication devices during training sessions; unnecessarily use personal protective equipment (gas cylinders, gas pistols, etc.).

As for smoking, this is the most common violation. According to federal law, smoking at the university, including the porch of each of the buildings, is strictly prohibited. For violation of the Internal Rules, students may be subject to disciplinary action by the administration. A student can receive a comment, a reprimand and be expelled from the university. Therefore, knowledge and implementation of these standards is mandatory.

Compliance with the Internal Rules is monitored by the security service, as well as the student operational detachment, whose employees have special certificates. The fate of the violators is decided by a regularly gathering disciplinary commission, which, based on the gravity of the violation, its recurrence, etc., makes a presentation addressed to the rector on the imposition of a particular disciplinary sanction.

We hope that all of the above will convince you of the need to be a law-abiding and disciplined student, to turn your forces into the educational process, scientific and social work.

In addition to the mandatory rules, there are norms of behavior, violating which you will not receive disciplinary action, but at the risk of being in the eyes of those around you, at best, not a very educated person, which does not correlate well with the status of a student at a classical university. Therefore, we would like to give some advice and recommendations in order to avoid a similar situation:

  • When preparing for classes, think about your wardrobe and appearance. You should not come to the university in dirty, rumpled, shabby clothes, and also avoid clothing that is overly open and defiant. Such an outfit within the walls of the university is simply inappropriate.
  • At the entrance to the university, a number of politeness rules accepted in society should be observed. First, by opening the door, the student must let through a teacher standing behind, or a woman (if the student is a man). Entering the building, men should immediately take off their headgear.
  • Passing the reception desk, you must present your student ID card, electronic pass or other identification card to the security officer. In the latter case, you may be asked to explain the purpose of your visit to the university. In the absence of the listed documents, you may not be admitted to the building. Outerwear should be taken to the wardrobe.
  • At the entrance to the elevator, students should also let through teachers and university employees forward.
  • In the classroom, you must be quiet, answering only the questions of the teacher or participating in the discussion (not forgetting to ask permission to voice your opinion). The traditional form of greeting a teacher who enters the classroom at the beginning of classes is the rising of students.
  • A student who is late for the start of classes can be admitted only with the permission of the teacher.
  • It is completely unacceptable to use mobile phones during classes (it is better to turn them off in advance) – this is how you express disrespect for the teacher and fellow students.
  • As for drawing on desks, students engaged in this kind of “creativity” not only show their bad taste, bad manners and indifference to other students, but also cause material damage to the university, which can lead to the most unpleasant consequences.
  • Students should eat in specially designated places (such as refectory). Empty cups and packages, other rubbish should be thrown into the bins located there.

Remember that the adulthood, part of which is to study at a higher educational institution, implies the presence of responsibility for your actions to others, the ability to take into account their interests and opinions.

Print version Modified 16.12.2019