Museum science and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program has a practice-oriented orientation and meets the needs of the sphere of culture in qualified personnel, primarily in museum curators and specialists in the field of museum accounting, as well as actively developing direction related to the study of the results of archaeological research. The program is aimed at professional training of specialists in the field of museology, capable of developing museum theory and practice, working with all kinds of natural and cultural heritage, including archaeological sources and objects. The program is implemented with the participation of specialists - representatives of museum industry of the region. The peculiarity of the program is the profile "Museum archeology" realized for the first time. That significantly expands the field of activities of the graduate.


51.03.04 Museum science and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage


  • Modern technologies of conservation and presentation of museum items
  • Museum archeology

Learning mode

Full-time education – 4 years, in Russian

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year

50 620 ₽

Entrance tests

  • History
  • Social Science / Foreign Language (English / German)
  • Russian

What training you get

Students will gain research skills in the museum field. They will be able to identify objects of museum significance, evaluate them, put them on the register, determine their status; develop and conduct guided tours for different target audiences; implement programs in the field of preservation and use of cultural and natural heritage; conduct grant activities in the field of culture; make attribution, scientific description of museum objects and cultural and historical monuments; apply digital and multimedia technologies in the field of visualization, presentation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage, creating a "museum" of the cultural and natural heritage. A separate direction will be training in Museum Archaeology, which involves participation in an archaeological expedition and the ability to apply methods of field research, ensure accounting and storage of archaeological collections, their study, publication and demonstration.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates will find employment in various cultural institutions, including the leading museums of the country; they may work as curators of exhibitions, specialists in tourism and excursion business, specialists in state protection of monuments, they may work in regional authorities in the field of culture and nature management; they may work as teachers in educational institutions of all levels, as well as improve their skills by entering the masters degree in museology and archeology.


  • The head of the program is the candidate of cultural studies, associate professor of the department of archeology, ethnography and museology Darina Evgenjevna Shorina.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 291-256
  • Address of the Department: 656049, Lenin Ave, 61, room 211, Barnaul, Russia
  • E-mail of the department secretary: kuzevanova_m@mai


Print version Modified 9.07.2024