Tourism | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program is aimed at training for professional activity in the spheres of culture and art (in the sphere of excursion activity); services and rendering services to the population (in the spheres: provision of tourist, excursion services to the population and other services necessary for organization and realization of trips; formation, promotion and realization of tourist product; activity of objects of tourist infrastructure and tourist services; designing in tourism).

The advantages and peculiarities of the program consist in the fact that the professional training includes combination of basic theoretical knowledge with practical training at tourist enterprises and is determined by the needs of Altai region and the Republic of Altai as well as other regions of Russia in improving the quality of tourist services, forming the high status and image of tourist enterprises and organizations. The uniqueness of the program is based on the active and interactive forms of studies and practical work by the order of the partner organizations and on the fact that the program is a network one with the participation of partner universities.


43.03.02 Tourism


Domestic and International Tourism

Learning mode

  • Full-time - 4 years, in Russian
  • Part-time - 4 years 6 months, in Russian

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year

27 560 - 57 450 ₽

Entrance tests

What training you get

Organizational support of excursion services and excursions. Management of internal organizational processes in a tourist organization, including the formation and use of material, technical and human resources. To design a tourist product at the set criteria and standard requirements with use of innovative and information technologies, construction of effective system of promotion of tourist products, and also the organization of process of service of consumers on the basis of normative legal acts, taking into account requirements of consumers and application of client-oriented technologies. Making excursion programs for excursion groups and individual tourists.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates can carry out professional activities in academic and research organizations related to tourism and tourism-related issues; in authorities and management bodies related to the tourism sphere; carrying out project (consulting, advisory, research and analytical) and information activities in the tourism sphere.

The search for a job is not limited to tourism companies. You can look for work in any organizations associated with the travel services market. For example, these are companies involved in passenger transportation, passport and visa services, customs authorities, hotels and resorts, etc.


  • The head of the program is the candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor of the department of recreational geography, service, tourism and hospitality Metelev Alexey Vitalievich.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 291-278
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 9.07.2024