Philology | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University


45.03.01 Philology


  • National Philology
  • Russian Philology

Graduates' activities are aimed at solving problems that require the application of fundamental knowledge in the field of philology. You will learn to work with different types of texts (written, oral and virtual, including hypertexts and text elements of multimedia objects): create, interpret (analyze linguistic and literary information), transform (translate, correct, edit, comment, systematize, summarize, abstract and annotate), distribute (in various communicative situations of oral and written communication - both interpersonal and mass, including intercultural and international). You will learn to work with different types of texts (oral presentation, review, abstract, abstract, report, and other documents; official business, journalistic, advertising text, etc.).

The field of professional activity of graduates includes: philology and humanitarian knowledge, interpersonal, intercultural and mass communication in oral, written and virtual form.

The objects of graduates' professional activities are:

  • languages in their theoretical and practical, synchronic, diachronic, sociocultural and dialectological aspects;
  • Fiction and oral folklore in their historical and theoretical aspects, taking into account the regularities of their use in different countries and regions
  • different types of texts - written, oral and virtual (including hypertexts and text elements of multimedia objects);
  • oral, written and virtual communication.

Learning mode

  • full-time
  • 4 years

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

53 400 rubles

Entrance tests

Contacts of Educational Program Heads

  • Chernyshova Tatiana Vladimirovna, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language, +7 (3852) 366-384,
  • Grebneva Marina Pavlovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of General and Applied Philology, Literature and Russian Language, +7 (3852) 366-384,

Print version Modified 26.06.2023