Land Management and Cadastre | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

Unique, demanded direction of preparation of bachelors in land management and cadastres of Altai State University accumulated a complex of knowledge on geodesy, geoinformation technologies, modern technologies of production of engineering surveying works, cartography, real estate valuation etc. Wide involvement of teachers-practitioners allows ensuring the relevance of acquired knowledge. Cadastral engineers, who ensure effective and rational management of real estate and land resources, are trained within the program. Geography scientists and practitioners from the spheres of geoinformation technologies, real estate design, consulting, cadastral service and land resources are involved in the teaching process.

  • Photo: MediaHub


21.03.02 Land management and cadastre


Land appraisal and management of real estate objects

Learning mode

  • Full-time - 4 years, in Russian
  • Part-time - 4 years 6 months, in Russian

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year

27 560 - 65 255 RUB

Entrance tests

What training you get

During the training you will learn to carry out the state cadastral registration of immovable property, manage the engineering-geodetic works, conduct the technical maintenance of the development of town-planning documentation and related research. Use modern technologies in professional activities, including modern equipment and software complexes used in cadastral activities. To carry out economic and cadastral valuation of real estate objects, to carry out technical inventory of real estate objects.

Career opportunities and graduates

  • Graduates of the program will be able to successfully realize themselves in the fields of geodesy, topography, design and public service. In such organizations as - Federal Service of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography, Department of Property Relations, Committees for Land Resources and Improvement, major design organizations, state and municipal authorities.
  • Employment in these organizations implies a complex of works beginning from preparation and planning of field geodesic surveys and their cameral processing for land surveying and cadastre works, survey and monitoring of real estate objects, cameral processing of survey results till drawing up reports, project documentation and documents necessary for the state cadastral registration and registration of real estate objects.


  • The head of the program is Olga Anatolievna Latysheva, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of the department of economic geography and cartography.
  • Phone: +7 913 254-17-80
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 9.07.2024