Ecology and Nature Management | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

After studying the bachelor's program "Ecology and Nature Management" at Altai State University you will become a specialist-expert and researcher in the field of environmental protection, nature management, environmental monitoring and forecasting, environmental impact assessment and ecological expertise, protection of natural objects, environmental management and audit; in the field of research and experimental development.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: natural, anthropogenic, natural-economic, ecological-economic, engineering-ecological, industrial, social, public territorial systems and structures at global, national, regional and local levels; state planning, control, monitoring, expertise of ecological components of all forms of economic activity; enterprises producing reclamation works and works on creation of cultural landscapes and land protection in rural areas.

The advantage of the program is the ability to build an individual learning path.

  • Photo: MediaHub


05.03.06 Ecology and environmental management


Nature management and geoecology

Learning mode

Full-time education, 4 years

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

62 445 rubles

Entrance tests

What training you get

During the educational process the formation of universal, professional and vocational competencies takes place at the practical training that uses active and interactive forms, as well as during educational and industrial practices. The place of practical training is research institutes, design organizations, industrial enterprises, as well as organizations, whose activities are related to various areas of ecology, nature management and environmental protection. Students take part in expert-analytical and research work (including economic contracts and grants), university and interuniversity conferences and extracurricular activities.

Career opportunities and graduates

Place of employment for the graduates are organizations whose activities are connected with different areas of ecology, nature management, environmental protection, institutions of secondary general and secondary vocational education of Altai Krai, other subjects of the Russian Federation, neighboring countries, as well as design organizations and industrial enterprises.



Print version Modified 26.06.2023