Service | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University

The program allows the students to get an idea of the principles, methods and new approaches to organizing health resorts and recreation, of the state and prospects of development of recreation and health-resort industry, wellness industry, the main natural healing factors and the principles of their therapeutic and prophylactic use.

The uniqueness of the program is determined by the needs of Altai region in training specialists in the sphere of organization and technologies of sanatorium-resort and recreational complexes, possessing skills and abilities in organization of work of sanatoriums, resorts, wellness industry enterprises, application of corresponding normative legal, licensing, standardization and certification conditions in the sphere of recreational and sanatorium-resort services; resource supply management of operation of recreational and sanatorium-resort industry enterprises.


43.03.01 Service


Recreational and health-resort service

Learning mode

  • Full-time , 4 years, in Russian
  • Part-time, 4 years 6 months, in Russian

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year

27 560 - 55 800 ₽

Entrance tests

What training you get

During their studies of service, students study the structure of service in health resorts, taking into account the peculiarities of recreational factors, they learn about the types of service activity in health resorts and the classification of services, they study methods of studying consumer demand, marketing and management, methods of promotion of services, paying attention to the ethical and aesthetic component of professional activity.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates of this direction can work as specialists in the service departments of health resorts and recreational complexes, social and cultural subsystems, including wellness-industry, service specialists to create the necessary environment for comfortable recreation and sports activities in resorts.


  • The head of the program - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of recreational geography, service, tourism and hospitality Bitter Natalia Viktorovna.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 291-278
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 9.07.2024