Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | Bachelor's Degree Program | Altai State University
The program focuses on training specialists capable of design and research activities in the field of digital technologies and applications of mathematical and computer modeling, possessing skills in the development and implementation of new methods of analysis and research technologies of big data, taking into account the requirements of the labor market (both at the regional and RF), perspectives and trends in the development of information technology, as well as in accordance with the professional standards "Big Data Specialist". An important aspect of training is the practical work of the graduate, so in the implementation of the educational program together with employees of ASU participate employees of leading IT-companies-developers. During training students master several programming languages, get acquainted with basic principles of development of complex software and information systems, study methods of design, creation and testing of complex types of software, take part in realization of large federal projects, which allows them to be in demand on the labor market of IT-specialists. employees of regional IT-companies are involved in realization of educational program. Among the industrial partners are leading IT companies such as YANDEX, Postgress Professional, IntegraSourses.
01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
- Mathematical and computer modeling in natural and industrial systems
- Applied data analysis and computer modeling
Learning mode
- Full-time, 4 years, in Russian
State-funded places
Employer-sponsored places
Fee-paying places
Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year
57 875 ₽
Entrance tests
What training you get
Students will gain skills in data analysis and application of mathematical modeling methods, forecasting, systems analysis, as well as development and application of information technologies (including BigData analysis and visualization technologies) in solving applied problems of digital economics and finance, sociology, ecology and other knowledge-intensive fields. Among the core disciplines: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Algorithmization and Programming in Python, Methods of Data Analysis and Processing in Python and R, Applied Statistics, Simulation Modeling. The Institute collaborates with large companies, which gives students the opportunity to take internships and internships in the real digital technology sector.
Career opportunities and graduates
Graduates of the program build their careers in various fields and areas of activity as information systems developer, systems programmer, database developer, cryptography specialist, database administrator, data analyst, architect of information systems, computer network administrator, mathematician, Web programmer, financial solutions analyst, mobile applications developer in any field of activity (academic, career in business, economics and finance, career in s
- The head of the program is Lubov Anatolyevna Khvorova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics.
- Phone: +7 (3852) 298-151
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