Application of Criminal Law | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University

The master's program is suitable for those who see themselves in key positions in law enforcement agencies. It trains legal strategists of a new formation, with modern knowledge of the evolving judicial and law enforcement systems. The structure of the educational program enables the students to acquire profound theoretical knowledge in the field of criminal legislation and to form the complex of practical skills for work in courts, prosecutor's office, advocacy, preliminary investigation bodies in the course of direct immersion into practical activity.


40.04.01 Jurisprudence


Application of Criminal Law

Learning mode

  • Full-time education - 2 years, in Russian
  • Correspondence learning - 2 years 3 months, in Russian

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

40 000 - 65 000 ₽

Entrance test

Examination in the profile of the master's program (written)

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

The best theoreticians of criminal law, practicing teachers, and representatives of law enforcement agencies and judicial system share their experience with Master's students during the course of study. The curriculum structure includes the full range of disciplines necessary for a practicing criminal lawyer.

Career opportunities and graduates

Graduates of the program have career prospects in occupying positions that require higher legal education in the protection of rights and freedoms - judges, prosecutors, attorneys, as well as civil servants in the offices of the courts and the Ministry of Justice system.


  • Program Head - Sergey Valentinovich Zemlyukov, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology
  • Phone: + 7 (3852) 291-201
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 9.07.2024