Tourism and Recreation Systems: Design and Management | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University
The program is a modern educational product aimed at training highly qualified specialists to work in the tourism industry, including effective planning and management of projects and programs for the development of tourist areas. The program enables to form the complex vision on design and management of tourist-recreational systems on national, regional and municipal levels.
43.04.02 Tourism
Tourism and Recreation Systems: Design and Management
Learning mode
Full time education - 2 years, in Russian
State-funded places
Employer-sponsored places
Fee-paying places
Tuition fees per semester in 2024 / 2025 academic year
61 610 ₽
Entrance test
Passing score in 2023
What training you get
The educational program allows you to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of team building and formation of leadership skills, to master modern information support of tourism and hospitality, technologies of tourist and recreational design and development of territories, in general issues of design and management of tourist and recreational systems.
Core disciplines
- Management of quality of tourist services and services;
- Strategic and goal-oriented management in tourism;
- Strategies of development of tourist and recreational areas.
Career opportunities and graduates
A graduate can work in a tourism agency as a manager on working out and realization of tourist products, or as a guide, or as a manager on work with visitors in a hotel, sanatorium or any other resort complex.
- The head of the program is the candidate of geographical sciences, associate professor of the department of recreational geography, service, tourism and hospitality Redkin Alexander Germanovich.
- Phone: +7 (3852) 291-278
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