Biopharmacology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University
The pharmaceutical market in Russia continues to grow rapidly. Under these conditions, we train super-engineers capable of creating biopharmaceuticals in response to the challenges of the modern world. During their education our graduates are able to develop medicines and remedies for disease prevention by means of biotechnologies and introduce them to the pharmaceutical market of the country.
33.04.01 Industrial Pharmacy
Biopharmacology and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Learning mode
Full-time education, 2 years
State-funded places
Employer-sponsored places
Fee-paying places
Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year
66 040 ₽
Entrance test
Comprehensive exam in chemistry and biology
Passing score in 2022
What training you get
The program includes mastering skills in developing scientific and technical documentation and technological regulations for the production of pharmaceutical substances and finished dosage forms; implementing pharmaceutical and chemical-pharmaceutical processes and productions, in compliance with legislative and regulatory national and international acts; organizing and conducting quality control of raw materials, intermediate products and finished products.
The training has a practice-oriented character and is aimed at shaping professional competencies, which allow organizing a full cycle of drug development from scientific-research works, preclinical studies up to production organization.
Career opportunities and graduates
The program will be useful for those who are planning to create innovative products in the field of medicine, to build a pharmaceutical business, or to head research laboratories of national importance.
- Program Head - Irina Vladimirovna Mikushina, Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry Department.
- Phone: +7 (3852) 298-150
- E-mail: