Comfortable landscape planning | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University

"Landscape planning of comfortable environment" is an interdisciplinary practice-oriented educational program. It is aimed at training highly qualified landscape architects who are able to use in their activities the knowledge of fundamental laws of the organization of the natural environment, modern achievements of architecture, urban planning and landscape gardening.


35.04.09 Landscape architecture


Comfortable landscape planning

Learning mode

2 years, full time education

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

66 040 ₽

Entrance test

Landscape Architecture exam

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

It teaches how to think globally and act locally.

Graduates are able to conduct scientific research in the field of landscape architectural design; carry out landscape architectural design of different types of objects of landscape construction and manage the design work on the basis of knowledge of the requirements of Russian legislation and international standards; are able to give an expert assessment of natural, urban, cultural, historical, architectural and artistic, environmental design conditions.

The interdisciplinary approach to the choice of courses allows for an optimal balance between disciplines related to: landscape planning; urban planning; landscape architecture; municipal economy.

Career opportunities and graduates

The primary career field for graduates is landscape architecture. Graduates build successful careers in landscape architecture bureaus, design, engineering and architectural offices, construction companies, landscaping departments, government agencies at various levels or become high-paying freelancers in the international market.



Print version Modified 27.06.2023