Psychological Counseling | Master's Degree Program | Altai State University

The Master's program is addressed to those who aim to develop professional competencies in the field of psychological counseling.

The learning process is geared toward gaining knowledge and experience in the following types of counseling:

  • individual counseling,
  • family counseling,
  • age and psychological counseling,
  • crisis counseling,
  • psychological and pedagogical counseling,
  • psychological counseling for health problems,
  • counseling on deviant behavior.


37.04.01 Psychology


Psychological Counseling

Learning mode

  • Full-time education, 2 years
  • Part-time training, 2 years 3 months

State-funded places


Employer-sponsored places


Fee-paying places


Tuition fees per semester in 2023 / 2024 academic year

27 500 - 63 895 ₽

Entrance test

Psychology Interdisciplinary Exam 

Passing score in 2022


What training you get

The purpose of the program is to train counseling psychologists with scientific-theoretical and practical competencies in the field of psychological counseling.

The master's program will provide counseling on problems of discord in the family, failures in communication, difficulties in career development, personal improvement, coping with stress, overcoming crises, living with loss, difficulties in raising children, psychosomatics, deviation, guilt, resentment, aggression, fears, anxiety, insecurity.

The main objectives of the training are:

  • acquiring counseling experience in dealing with various psychological problems,
  • work with clients of different ages,conducting individual and group psychological consultations,mastering the techniques and methods of work of the consulting psychologist,
  • studying psychodiagnostic techniques used in psychological counseling.

Career opportunities and graduates

The master's program prepares counseling psychologists who are prepared to help individuals cope with a variety of psychological problems. Areas in which a counseling psychologist can build a professional career include family, education, business, military, sports, politics, medicine, etc.


  • Program Head - Irina Alexandrovna Ralnikova, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Social Psychology and Pedagogical Education.
  • Phone: +7 (3852) 298-190
  • E-mail:


Print version Modified 5.07.2023